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Traducciones legales

Texto de origen en español

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Texto meta en inglés

This public document is printed in portrait paper. The background colour is in tones of light blue and white. In the upper part of the document, it appears the Argentina’s flag. Next to it, the following word and number are mentioned:] SERIE A3951003 [. Underneath, on the left part it appears the stamp of the Province of Santa Fe followed by a big black title in bold letter that reads:] Argentine Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs, , International Trade and Worship [. Below, there is a black line that divides the document in two. Underneath, there is a text box which has inside two titles in bold letters in French language that read:] Apostille [and below this one] Convention de la Haye du 5 october 1961 [. Beneath the following information is specified in nine different items:] 1. Country [which is] Argentina [below, there is a specification that says:] The present public document [,] 2. Has been signed by Alfredo Miguel Buora [,] 3.Who acts as an enabling Civil Servant [,] It has the stampt//postage stampt of Civil Registry [,] 5. In Buenos Aires, date 3rd of November, 2011 [,] 6. Written by the coordinating unit legalizations Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship [,] 7. Under the number: 212590/2011 [,] 9. Stamp/seal: 39 [. Underneath, at the bottom left part of the text box there is an illegible signature with the tenth item which says:] signature [. Below, there is a partially legible seal which reads: Romina Natalia Damico Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship [. Outside and underneath the text box, in the left part of the document, the following information is specified in 2 separate items:] Document Type: BIRTH ACT [,] Holder of the Document: MARIANO SLAVKO DUSAN BARLE [. At the bottom of the document, there are 2 black bar codes. The first one contains the following number: 2011212590 [. And the second one the following numbers and letters: 4AF90F8D71607C37FOB7874435F13DE4 [. In the left part of the public document there are two illegible overstamping seals.] ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

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Traducciones médicas 

Texto de origen en español

Distrofias musculares

El término “distrofia muscular” (DM) se utiliza para denominar a un grupo de enfermedades hereditarias caracterizadas por debilidad y degeneración progresiva del músculo esquelético. Habitualmente los síntomas se manifiestan en la infancia de forma insidiosa, evidenciándose evolutivamente un patrón peculiar en la distribución de la amiotrofia y debilidad muscular dependiendo de cada entidad clínica o grupo nosológico.

Las DM progresivas comparten alteraciones histológicas similares. La distrofina es una proteína que está localizada dentro de la membrana muscular (subsarcolémica), y está asociada a un complejo de glucoproteínas que comprende los complejos de los distroglicanos, los sarcoglicanos y las sintrofinas.

Los recientes descubrimientos, mediante estudios de genética molecular, de las proteínas estructurales de la membrana muscular, y de los genes que las codifican han clarificado la correlación del fenotipo clínico de las distrofias musculares, tanto con el genotipo como con las diferentes deficiencias de los componentes de la membrana muscular, y asimismo, cómo estas deficiencias repercuten en el mantenimiento de la contractilidad muscular. Es obvio que estos hallazgos están modificando la definición conceptual y la clasificación de las distrofias musculares. Sin embargo, desde el punto de vista clínico, conviene retener la clasificación tradicional de las DM basada en el fenotipo y en el modo de transmisión hereditario.

Texto meta en inglés

Muscular Dystrophies

The term "muscular dystrophy" (MD) is used to refer to a group of inherited diseases characterized by progressive weakness and degeneration of the skeletal muscle.  Usually, depending on each nosologic group or clinical entity, symptoms appear insidiously in the childhood where a peculiar pattern becomes apparent in the distribution of amyotrophy and muscle weakness.

Progressive MDs share similar histological alterations. Dystrophin is a protein located in the muscle membrane (sarcolemma). It is associated with  a glycoprotein complex including the dystroglycan sarcoglycan andsyntrophincomplexs.

Through molecular genetics studies, recent findings on the muscle membrane structural proteins and the genes that encode them have clarified the correlation of the clinical phenotype of muscular dystrophies with the genotype as well as with the different deficiencies of the muscle membrane components. Likewise, they have clarified how these deficiencies affect the sustaining of muscle contraction.  It is evident that these findings are changing the conceptual definition and the classification of muscular dystrophies. However, from a clinical point of view, it is advisable to retain the traditional classification of MDs based on the phenotype and the hereditary transmission.

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